
5 Great Tips To Starting Your Wondrous Wine Collection

5 Great Tips to Starting Your Wondrous Wine Collection

Starting a collection of anything can often be a little nerve-wracking, even more so when it comes to wine. Whether you’ve spontaneously begun to dabble in wine tasting and had a knack for it or you’ve loved enjoying it as a pseudo sommelier for years, very little can really prepare you for going on your journey into the wonderful world of wine.

But it’s still worth trying, especially since the beginning is often the hardest. There’s so much to plan and consider before you even commit to getting your first few bottles. Here are some excellent tips that can make the first steps of wine collecting just a little easier:

1) Know Your Purpose

As with any collection, try to ask yourself why you’re starting it. Is it a particular passion project that you want to focus on? Are you hoping to create a profitable batch that you can sell in the future? Or are you just focused on getting as many wine and bottles variations as possible?

Being able to be definitive with your purpose for collecting wine can help set you up with a goal of what you want your wine collection to be like. For instance, if you want to focus more on different tastes, explore different kinds of red and white wines from all over the world.

2) Choose the Classics

There are so many wine bottles on the market that it can be a little overwhelming, but many enthusiasts have dubbed a couple of classics that every collector should have. These normally consist of French and Italian wines.

For example, search only for Bordeaux wines from France and other notable brands such as Burgundy’s Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. You could also explore other wines from other countries, such as Spanish, German or Australian wine.

3) Budget Wisely

Budget should always be on the top of your mind with any collection, especially since some can get carried away in trying to develop their collections right away. For example, the volume of wines that they order may reduce funds that could have gone into other investments.

Some may even put too much money towards wine storage and creating such a grand cellar all too quickly. However, it’s best to note that good things take time, just like how wine takes ages before it’s truly prime time to drink. Take your time and splurge wisely on your collection.

4) Take Some Tests

One mistake that some wine collectors make is that they’re unsure of what tastes they truly gravitate towards. Wine can taste quite different, and it’s best to pinpoint what you truly enjoy. Take some tests online that would allow you to narrow down your wine preferences to know what to go for while wine collecting.

5) Do Your Research

Finally, be sure to do some thorough research. Connecting with a community of fellow wine collectors can help you with recommending your own resources and learning some new ones as well. With that exchange of knowledge, you’ll be much more equipped to create an excellent wine collection.

Start Wine Collecting Now

Following these tips should get you closer to starting your very own personal wine collection. It can be quite an art to engage in, but it can be quite fascinating and enriching when you’re finally face to face with your growing cellar.

Interested in finding out more? Download our Introduction to Fine Wine Investment brochure to discover our outstanding options and take the first step into your journey in wine collection today!

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