While many wines now feature twist-off caps, there are lots of varieties that still use corks. If you don’t consume the bottle at one time, resealing these varieties can be a bit more complicated. Fortunately, there are several methods for saving your wine to enjoy later.
1. Tilt and Twist Method
If the cork is in good condition and was removed with a traditional corkscrew, you may be able to force it back into the bottle with the right technique. Always examine the cork first to determine which end was inside the bottle. That’s the end that should go back in, since the outer end may be contaminated with dust. Refrigerate the wine after it is resealed; it will keep for three to five days.
- Hold the bottle firmly on a stable surface.
- Tilt the cork slightly so that one side goes in before the other. Hold it, so it is resting on the lip of the bottle.
- In one motion, twist and press down, letting the first part of the cork slide into the bottle about half an inch.
- Still holding the bottle firmly, press down hard on the cork with the heel of your hand. This will force the cork further into the bottle.
2. Rubber Stopper
A reusable rubber stopper is an excellent choice for resealing a wine bottle. They are designed to fit the opening of a wine bottle and grasp the inside of the bottle to prevent air from entering, thereby stopping the oxidation process. On the other hand, rubber stoppers demand less effort because you merely need to press them into the bottle opening. They’re a popular choice since they come in several colours and are inexpensive so that you can stock up on additional stoppers.
3. Vacuum Pump
The vacuum pump is perhaps the most effective method for resealing your bottle since it creates a more secure seal. This is done by removing all the oxygen from the bottle by a pump, then sealing the bottle with a plastic stopper. Once you have removed all the oxygen, you can reseal the bottle with a stopper. The benefit of doing this is that it slows the oxidation process, which results in the wine staying fresh for longer.
4. Use a Paper Towel for a Temporary Seal
If you can’t seal your bottle, a simple solution is to use a paper towel to cover the opening. Once the cork is in place, cover the cork with an absorbent paper towel. Because it’s absorbent, it will soak up the oxygen and keep it from getting to the wine. This works for only a limited time, but it may help you get through the next few days.
5. Wrap the Cork in Waxed Paper
If you want to keep the existing cork, a great tip for resealing wine is to cover the cork with a piece of waxed paper. Cut a small piece of waxed paper and press it tightly against the cork using your thumb. This will help to prevent the cork from drying out. The paper may fall off during use, but it will re-adhere after it’s washed under hot water.
6. Try a Wine Saver
For those who have the space, a wine saver is a possible solution. This wine preservation system usually comprises three parts: a wine vacuum pump, a stopper, and an airtight storage container.
The pump and stopper work together to suck the air out of the bottle, creating a vacuum that allows the wine to stay fresh for days on end. The pump attaches to any wine bottle. First, screw on the vented stopper. Then press the pump into the top of the stopper until it is snug and the red “vac” indicator is visible. Finally, pump the small lever on the side of the pump until the red indicator light around the word “vac” changes to green. This means that the vacuum is in place, and the wine is preserved.
Other Tips to Keep the Wine Fresh Longer
Once you know how to reseal a bottle, there are other ways to keep the wine fresh longer. For example, before you open the wine, keep it out of direct sunlight. Light affects the cork, so store it in a shaded location. Also, do not expose the wine to high temperatures. Cold temperatures are preferable, but a wine cellar is unnecessary to store your wine. The refrigerator, basement, or a cool, dark closet are all adequate storage spaces.
With the right set of guidelines, you can enjoy your favourite wine for several days after opening. The most important rule to remember if you are trying to preserve your wine is not to re-use an opened bottle. This just spreads bacteria and can be dangerous to your health.
What Wines Oxidise Faster Than Others?
Even if you cork and store your wine in optimum circumstances, certain wines deteriorate more quickly than others. Here are several that are more prone to deterioration.
- Older wines, particularly those that are more than 8-10 years old
- Pinot Noirs
- Light-coloured red wines
- Organic white wines
Wine Freshness Is an Investment
It’s not a secret that a great bottle of wine can make a wonderful gift. A thoughtful selection is a great way to make your dinner party more memorable and impress your dinner guests. Even if you are not the one consuming the wine, you can appreciate the gift differently since you know the time, effort, and expense that goes into making great wine.
Whether you are the recipient of a bottle of wine as a gift or you plan to give wine as a gift, you probably want to preserve its Freshness. Proper storage and resealing techniques can ensure that your wine stays fresh. You can also preserve wine with the help of a wine saver. A wine saver preserves a bottle of wine by creating a vacuum seal around the cork to keep air out of the bottle. This method helps ensure your wine stays fresh for longer.
If you are interested in doing business with a wine company in the UK, turn to Cru Wine. We offer fine wine with a modern approach and make buying wine easy and straightforward with a more enriched experience. View our offers today.